Roads and access

Vehicle access to our proposed Drive Thru restaurant would be from the existing Tesco access roundabout on Manston Road. The access road will be extended through the car park to serve the restaurant, in addition to new pedestrian links between the restaurant and the front of the Tesco store.

We are proposing 49 new car parking spaces to provide the restaurant with some minor alteration of the Tesco car park for the construction of the new access road. This would bring the combined number of spaces to approximately 350, to serve both Tesco and proposed McDonald’s restaurant. Parking surveys have been conducted indicating that there would be more than sufficient space to accommodate the demand for both uses.

The Drive Thru lane has been carefully designed and can accommodate up to 29 cars to ensure that no queuing would occur within the Tesco car park.

Deliveries will typically occur 3-5 times per week at pre-arranged times, where vehicles will unload from the restaurant car park. A Transport Assessment will be submitted as part of the planning application which will consider the anticipated impacts of the proposed development on the local road network. Our transport consultants are working closely with Kent County Council Highway Authority to agree the scope of this report.