

McDonald’s is undertaking a Transport Assessment as part of the planning application to ensure the proposed restaurant does not have a significant impact on the local road network. This assessment will look at the operation of local roads both with and without the proposed McDonald’s restaurant. Based on studies undertaken to date, the scheme is not expected to have a significant impact on the local road network.

Access to the site will be via the existing entrance on Romney Way and the site will include 47 car parking spaces. The proposed car parking is sufficient to accommodate the expected level of demand and a carefully planned internal queuing system will be in operation to regulate vehicles once within the site.

The site will also be accessible by non-vehicular modes of transport, with existing footways on both sides of Queslett Road and other surrounding roads. This will be further supported by provision of a pedestrian-only access to the site, as well as a bicycle rack and adjacent bus stop.

McDonald’s minimise delivery requirements by utilising multi-temperature vehicles which allows all of the restaurant’s requirements for; frozen, chilled and ambient products to be delivered in one visit. This therefore reduces the number of deliveries each restaurant receives. We would anticipate that the McDonald’s restaurant would require three to four deliveries per week and would use the site’s car park to manoeuvre and unload, ensuring minimal disturbance on neighbours.