Roads and Access

Roads and Access

Vehicle access to and from our proposed restaurant is proposed from the existing Morrisons car park access road via Lindsayfield Road. A separate lane is proposed to separate traffic entering the restaurant from that entering the supermarket car park. The McDonald’s car park operates on a one-way system and customers will exit back onto the Morrisons access road when they leave.

In addition, a second entry/exit point to the Morrisons car park is proposed in the south east corner of the car park.

The proposed car parking provision for the Morrisons and restaurant would be 412 spaces (+ 2 grills spaces) and is more than sufficient to accommodate the expected level of demand. The drive thru lane and slip lane can accommodate up to 30 vehicles so there is sufficient capacity to accommodate queueing within the car park.

Deliveries will typically occur 3-5 times per week at pre-arranged times using an 11.0m rigid delivery vehicle. A careful process of prior notification and car park management will be in operation to ensure that deliveries can be accommodated within the car park.

A Transport Assessment and Travel Plan will be submitted as part of the planning application which will consider the anticipated impacts of the proposed development on the local road network. We are assessing the traffic impact and will be discussing the potential mitigation options with the Roads Authority.